Privacy Policy

The management and protection of personal data is governed by these terms and the relevant provisions of both Greek and EU and international law regarding the protection of the individual from the processing of personal data, as well as the Decisions of the Personal Data Protection Authority. , which we respect and adhere to. Any future change of the above regulatory framework will be subject to these terms of use. collects only those personal data that are absolutely necessary for the safe execution and proper execution of our customers' reservations and for the defined and legal purposes and are subjected to lawful and lawful processing in a manner compatible with these purposes, as they comply with the principle of proportionality (Article 5 par. 1 of Regulation 679/2016 GDPR).

The collection of your personal data can be done only with your consent and concerns exclusively the process of completing the operational purposes of this website and this online store.

The collection of your personal data on is necessary for the placement of any reservation and for this reason a profile of each user is created, which is necessary for the processing and completion of the reservation.
The following information is collected during the reservation: Name, Surname, Address, Postal Code, City-Area, Prefecture, Country, Telephone, Mobile, Fax, E-mail Address. keeps the personal data until the completion of the reservation, and in case of inaction and non-transaction the personal data are deleted. does not disclose to any third party any personal data of its customers / users of its website without their prior explicit consent. will disclose a Customer's email address or other personal data for advertising or other purposes of promotion and / or communication on facebook and google only with their express consent. states that during the retention of such data / personal data it uses them legally, taking the necessary security measures and maintaining their confidentiality. In particular, we take all appropriate and appropriate organizational and technical measures for the security of data and their protection against accidental or unlawful destruction, accidental loss, alteration, prohibited dissemination or access and any other form of unfair processing (confidentiality and security of article processing) 10 L.2472 / 1997) We use the latest security protocols (SSL-secure). takes all appropriate measures to ensure the confidentiality of user / customer communications and transmitted information and data.

However, does not guarantee the security of data transmitted over networks to the extent that its protection is not achieved by taking appropriate security measures imposed by law and any related direct, indirect, positive, negative, material or non-material damage. that the user may have suffered from access to the internet.

Whenever you choose either through the online ordering process or through the telephone ordering process to disclose your e-mail address and / or your mobile phone number, you choose at the same time to provide and maintain your personal data by us. will never use your personal data for purposes other than those listed herein. Your personal information about is completely respected and we wish to operate exclusively for your benefit and with respect for your individuality and your freedom of choice.

Every user has the right to request access to, correction or deletion of personal data or restriction of the processing of the data subject as well as the right to object to the processing and to report to a supervisory authority (as defined in Articles 13 to 20 of the Regulation 679/2016 GDPR).

You can also request portability (according to the possibility given to you by Regulation 2016/679 GDPR) or the final deletion of your personal data. For any exercise of your rights you can contact the controller, defined below.
Every user also has the right to revoke his consent at any time by sending an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (Article 2 per. K of Law 2472/1997 and Article 7 of Regulation 679/2016 GDPR).

Responsible for data processing and Personal Data Protection is George Mamassoulas, to whom you can contact for personal data issues by phone 

contact number 6974912630 and email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

For any disputes that may arise between customers or between customers and third parties and are due to messages, data, data or information circulated through, the latter states that the removal of the customer's telecommunications privacy is allowed only if and to the extent that is required to fulfill its obligation in accordance with current legislation.

It is expressly agreed that the above terms are governed by Greek Law, the decisions of the statutory bodies of the State that apply to the transactions of electronic communications as well as the relevant provisions in force at the time. It is expressly agreed here that any disputes that may arise from the application of these terms and the general use of our store, if not resolved amicably, fall under the jurisdiction of the Courts of Thessaloniki.

What are cookies?
"Cookies" are small files with information that a website (specifically the web server - web server) stores on a user's computer, so that every time the user logs on to the website, the latter retrieves this information and offers it to the user related services. A typical example of such information is the user's preferences on a website, as they are stated by the user's choices on that website (eg selection of specific "buttons", searches, ads, etc.). The installation of "cookies" is allowed only with the consent of the user and after appropriate information.

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